
We research the medium of interaction, both as an academic field and as a creative materia. We present our work in academic conferences and publish in peer-reviewed journals, magazines as well as co-write books.

Research type

Research Topics

At Kadar Center, we focus mainly on 3 different areas of interaction design research:

  • 01/ Interpersonal Interaction
    • Studies show that being in motor synchrony with another person creates a positive interpersonal connection. We view this as a design opportunity: creating new interactive experiences that involve interpersonal synchronization.
  • 02/ New Interactions in Learning Spaces
    • How can we utilize interactive entities to enhance the educational experience? From a conversational knitting machine teacher to a mobile robot that can assist students around the lab, the possibilities are endless.
      • Sigi – conversational, instructional knitting machine
      • Kadara – conversational robotic assistant for an educational space
  • 03/ Interdisciplinary Learning
    • Kadar welcomes and encourages individuals with all forms of academic and industrial backgrounds to explore and conduct research studies in the lab.
      • Ludo – a project conducted by students with a background in Film & TV, Textile Design, Computer Science, and Art


We are happy to talk and figure out a path for you: Contact Us.


Book Chapters:

Rinott , Sonic Texting Chapter – Sonic Interaction Design MIT Book. In: K. Franinovic and S. Serafin, eds., “Sonic Interaction Design”, MIT Press, 2013

Rocchesso, M. Rinott, S. Serafin, Pedagogical Approaches to Sonic Interaction Design. In: K. Franinovic and S. Serafin, eds., “Sonic Interaction Design”, MIT Press, 2013.

Pauletto, M. Rinott, López, L.Kessous, K. Franinovic, T. Drori, E. Costanza, S. Delle Monache, D. Hug. “Sketching and Prototyping”. In: “Explorations in Sonic Interaction Design”, D Rocchesso, ed. COST Office and Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH, 2011

Serafin, M. Rinott, G. Lemaitre, K. Franinovic, T. Hermann, “Sonic Interaction Design. In: T. Hermann, J. Neuhoff, A. Hunt, eds., “The Sonification Handbook”, Logos Verlag-Berlin, 2011.


Journals and Conference Proceedings:

Sharon-David, H., Mizrahi, M., Rinott, M., Golland, Y., & Birnbaum, G. E., 2018. Being on the same wavelength: Behavioral synchrony between partners and its influence on the experience of intimacy. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Michal Rinott, Daniil Umanski, 2017. The Drawbox Project – Open ended play over a distance.
The SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Human Computer Interaction in Play (CHI Play), October 2017, Amsterdam.

Daniil Umanski, Michal Rinott, 2017. Sonora: Inclusive Voice Play For Children With Various.
The SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Human Computer Interaction in Play (CHI Play), October 2017, Amsterdam.

Daniil Umanski, Michal Rinott. 2016.The DrawBox Project. Proceedings of the third Conference on Computation, Communication, Aesthetics and X, (xCOAX ’16). Bergamo, Italy.

Shachar Geiger, Michal Rinott. 2015. cArVATAR – A novel remote control for toy cars. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’15). ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Michal Rinott, Shachar Geiger, Eran Gal-Or, and Luka Or. 2013. Cubes. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 397-398.


Michal Rinott. 2011. A Platform for Alternative Sound Design. Poster presentation. Sonic Interaction Design, EU collaboration Cost Action final event, Oslo, Norway.

Inger Ekman and Michal Rinott. 2010. Using vocal sketching for designing sonic interactions. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 123-131.

Dana Shwachman, Idan Arbel, Yossi Lugassi, Michal Rinott. 2010. Amusity. Proceeding of Student Interaction Design and Research Conference, Umea, Sweden.

Michal Rinott. 2008. The laughing swing: Interacting with non-verbal human voice. Proceedings of the 14th Int’l. Conf. on Auditory Display (ICAD 2008), Paris, France.

Tal Drori and Michal Rinott. 2007. Pixel Materiali: A system for creating and understanding pixel animations. Proceedings of the Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ‘07), Aalborg, Denmark.

Michal Rinott. 2005. SonicTexting. CHI ’05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’05). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1144-1145.